SSO/SAML with OneLogin

How to configure Steady SSO with OneLogin and SAML 2.0

Updated over a week ago

Note: SSO/SAML is available in our 50-99 and 100+ seat plans.

There are two parts to getting OneLogin working with Steady: 1.) the initial setup, which you'll do once, and 2.) the user provisioning tasks, which you'll perform when you first set things up and each time you add new users.

1. Setup and Configuration

Before you get started, you'll need to let us know you'd like to enable your account for SSO/SAML with OneLogin, then follow the steps below.

Right now there is still a manual step on our end, so we'll need the link from the last step before you can start provisioning users.

Once we confirm that everything works, we'll disable password authentication and magic link sign-in capability completely for your account.

Here are the steps:

  1. Log in to your OneLogin organization as a user with administrative privileges.

  2. Under "Applications", select "Add App"

  3. Search for "SAML Custom Connector (Advanced)" and select it.

  4. On the next page, enter "Steady" for the Display name.

    1. Optionally add our logo if you like, you can download it here.

  5. Click "Save"

  6. Select "Configuration" from the left-hand menu

  7. For "Audience (EntityID), enter

  8. For the "ACS (Consumer) URL Validator", enter ^https:\/\/app\.steady\.space\/saml\/consume$

  9. For the "ACS (Consumer) URL", enter

  10. Click "Save"

  11. Under the "SSO" section, copy the "Issuer URL" and send it to us at (or within the support chat).

We'll configure your account and notify you when it's ready to be tested.

Once we confirm that everything works, we'll disable password authentication and magic link sign-in capability completely for your account.

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