SSO/SAML with Auth0

How to configure Steady SSO with Auth0 and SAML 2.0

Updated over a week ago

Note: SSO/SAML is available in our 50-99 and 100+ seat plans.

Setup and Configuration

To setup your Steady account with SSO/SAML and Auth0, you'll need to take the following steps. Right now there is still a manual step on our end, so we'll need the link from the last step along with a heads-up that you would like to enable SSO/SAML with Auth0 for your account.

Once we confirm that everything works, we'll disable password authentication and magic link sign-in capability completely for your account.

Here are the steps:

  1. In Auth0, visit the "Applications" section and click on the "Create Application" button

  2. On the "Create Application" page, input Steady for the application name, select the "Regular Web Applications" type, and click on the "Create" button

  3. On the resulting page, click on the "Addons" tab and select "SAML2"

  4. In the Addon dialog input "Settings" tab, use for the "Application Callback URL" and scroll down to click on the "Enable" button.

  5. Then in the Addon dialog input "Usage" tab, copy the link address or download the "Identity Provider Metadata" and send it to us.

Provisioning Users

We're working on provisioning users in Steady from Auth0 automagically, but for now it's a two step process for each user:

  1. Add the user in Steady to the first team you want them in, making sure their email address is unique and the same one you have for them in Auth0 (or skip this step if the user already exists in Steady)

  2. Make sure the user is enabled in Auth0 for the Steady app.

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