Mood Score

How is your team's mood trending?

Updated over a week ago

With mood tracking enabled, team members are asked to optionally pick an emoji to describe how they are feeling at check in time.

When viewing the Insights report, Steady provides a Mood Score for your team based on the check-ins for the selected period of time. The score is on a scale of 0 to 10, the higher the number, the more positive the mood.

We recommend digging in deeper in one-on-one or team discussions if the score falls below a 6.

To come up with the score, we assign a value to each mood and then average them out over the time period. If a team member doesn't provide a mood, they are assumed to be an 8 out of 10.

We used a blend of research to come up with this scoring method, but every team is different, and you'll have to think about how the score applies to your team, your team's objectives, and other organizational context that we can only infer.

The reality is there is no way to quantify something subjective like mood perfectly. Our goal is to provide a signal that mood is swinging in one way or another so you can investigate further with your team members.
Here is the scoring scale:

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